Report an issue with MP3 Skype Recorder v 1.10.1

Posted on: Fri, 06/24/2011 - 01:25 By: VOIP

This is a topic to report any issues with MP3 Skype Recorder v.1.10.1

If you have any problem please post below. Please indicate your OS and Skype version.

After installation it will not start.  The older version worked great, I wish I never updated to v.1.10.1.  Windows 7 64b

Nothing related to starting process have changed. First of all check you system tray, probably the program is already started and minimized to tray. Could you please describe your problem.

 Hi everybody! I cannot record a conversation, every time the pop-up appears "error creating destination file".
OS - Windows 7 Ultimate, Skype Mp3 Skype Recorder connected with Skype, I made a new destination file (latin characters) but it does not help. On other PCs it was OK (Windows XP, SP3). Maybe, this trouble is ligated with absence of stereo-mixer in audio recording tools? Now I do not know whether I must shift to XP or W7Home?
By the way, some my friends (W 7 Ultimate) have this bug as well.

You need to make destination folder, not file.
Just for the sake of test. Create tmp folder on your C: drive. Then choose it by clicking small folder button to the right of Destination folder field.

 Using Vista and Skype
Just installed v 1.10.1 recorder.  It says 'waiting for Skype' but I never got a request to allow access and going to the advanced options, API access control, nothing is listed.

I NEED to find a replacement for my Pro version of Pamela - it fails to work at critical times, drops recordings when someone tries to call, but is blocked, leaves my status in "do not disturb" when I have finished some calls, and sometimes even takes over 100% of my computer to the extent that I can't even get Task Manager open to kill Pamela.
I wanted to try your application, it looked great - on the web sites.  I installed it on one computer, they said it failed, then I found your comment about the greyed-out "extras" in Skype.  Yep, it was greyed out, so I downloaded and installed the free version of Skype on top of my existing install.  IT DID NOT SHOW ANY OPTIONS ABOUT "EXTRAS" nor anything else - but, when I finished the install, "Extras" in the Skyp menu had been replaced with "Apps."  Your app asked for permission to use Skype and it apperared to be OK.  -- That install was on a non-critical computer where I could do no real damage with a downloaded program!!
So, emboldened, I checked my main Skype app -, and, yep "Extras" was greyed out, so I downloaded and installed the free Skype. "Extras" had been replaced in Skype with "Apps," so I continued and installed the download for your app.  I had NO errors, but NO request to use your app in Skype.  Your app was displaying "waiting for Skype," which was running.  Your troubleshooting tip about the advanced setup in skype yielded NO indication that your app was installed.
I shut everything down and rebooted.  Nothing happend - same symptoms.
I repeated everything - same symptoms.
I downloaded your Skype4com and ran the .bat - same symptoms.
HEY!  WHAT'S ALL THIS ABOUT THE "EXTRAS" BEING GREYED OUT?  Even Pamela can find it's way into Skype, WITH THE "EXTRAS" GREYED OUT!!!  Why not fix the problem, instead of issuing band-aids?  ALL OF MY INSTALLATONS OF SKYPE HAVE THE "EXTRAS" GREYED OUT!!!
I would still like to find anything to get rid of the headaches I get from Pamela - but yours has become a worse headache.  Can you offer a FIX?
Will (MCSE, MCT, CCNA, CTT+, S+, N+, A+)

The latest version of MP3 Skype recorder doesn't require Skype extras and it is not Skype extra. It is just standalone application and uses Skype API to get audio stream. If it says "waiting for Skype" it usually means that you need to allow access to Skype. If for some reason Skype doesn't give you popup asking to allow access for MP3 Skype recorder, just go to Skype upper menu. Click Tools->Options. In the new window click Advanced tab (right bottom) and click Manage other programs' access to Skype (bottom). Check that MP3 Skype recorder is Allow to use Skype, if not click Change.

I did this and didn't work.
Only remedy was to install skype 5.3 with Extras Manager included [aka SkypeSetupFull]
Otherwise It kept showing the error message [with 1.10.1]

First of all thank you for this free and wonderful program.
I am using it and its been perfect.
I was wodering if I could use this with a Voip cleint like Freecall which I use often and make landline calls and would like to record them.
I think that this is an excellent program and should not be limited to skype alone.
Thanks and hope you can help.

Great program, thank you for making it free and available.
There is an error message thrown each time when clicking on links in the upper right.  Here is the text from the error box:
(note that restarting your program seems to clear up the error, but I do not know for how long)
See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
************** Exception Text **************
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The system cannot find the file specified
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(String fileName)
   at .(Object , LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs )
   at System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel.OnLinkClicked(LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Label.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel.WndProc(Message& msg)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

It looks like links couldn't be automatically opened by your default browser on your PC for some reason. Not sure what is causing such behaviour. Could be corrupted .NET Framework installation.

 is there a way to change the audio so that all voices come from both speakers. I noticed that the recording of my audio comes through on the left headphone and the people im recording are on the right headphone. Is there a way to play my voice and the people im recording to playback on both headphone speakers?

Just installed Skype 5.5, and now the MP3 recorder version 2.1.1 is not interfacing with Skype.  I clicked allow access, but when I tried to record a Skype call and clicked record, nothing happened.  I tried clicking record several times, but it did not record.  Nothing happened.  I was able to record at least one Skype call previous to this without any problems at all.  Not sure what the problem is.

Try to reinstall recorder and restart the computer. MP3 Skype recorder 2.1.1 was tested with Skype 5.5 and should be working fine. Leave the record button pressed it should start recording automatically once the call is detected.

Ahh, well, I'm able to record and stuff, but I can't get the recordings to play.
I recieve the message "Windows Media Player encountered a problem when playing the file." I've tried to play them on other programs but the same error occurs.
The weird part is there's actually only one that WILL play. I don't believe I changed anything so I don't know why the others won't play.
The only noticible difference between the files is the fact on the one I CAN play, the genre reads: "Genre: Specify the genre of mu..." The whole word music is there, but it seems the name is extended in some way. The ones that WON'T play read: "Genre: Specify the genre of music".
I appriciate a free recording system very much and it made me excited to use it but I don't know why the recordings won't play.

Now I believe it's not actually recording? I can press record and it will say it does, but when I check for a file after finishing it doesn't show up.
I tried again and for some odd reason it started working. It now showed how big the file would be with recording and I could play the recording.
Before I tried sending a file I recorded that wouldn't play to someone else, and it said it was unable because the file was empty. Does this mean it just wasn't recording right? I am unsure what made it work a moment ago.

There are two main reasons for file to be empty:

- there is another recorder in the system working and it interferes with MP3 Skype recorder. E.g Parental Skype recorder installed along with MP3 SKype recorder can cause this. In this case look for your recording in Parental recorder.

- there is personal firewall blocking connections between Skype and recorder. Skype uses local ports to transmit audio. Just add exception for Skype and Skype recorder for opening and connecting to local (same computer) ports.


 how can i hide the pop up window that is popping after disconnecting the call....??? is there any way to hide it automatically

The program worked perfectly for 2 calls. The last 2 calls it did not record. It said recording on, but did not record. I removed the program and installed it again. It seems to be working now. I'm doubtful I could ever retrieve the files did not record, but if you have some ideas I would appreciate it. Thanks.

it dont work for me ;( i dunno what to do i really need this for my youtube videos unhandled exceotion has occured in your application. if u click continue the app will ignore this error and attempt to continue. if you click quit the app will close immediatly. but even if i click continue it dont work :( helppp!!!!!

This is the error message I'm getting while using MP3 Skype Recorder
v.1.10.1 :  I get this message all day every 30 min to 1 hr.
MP3 Skype Recorder has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.
What is causing this problem, I also get Skpe messages that the Mircrophone is not on.  The first week Skpe was installed I didn't encounter any problems. 
Any ideas to stop this issues??

It is hard to say what is causing this errors. Taking into account that you have some errors in Skype as well, it looks like both Skype and Skype recorder errors are caused by some error(s) in system.
Please try to update .Net Framework from Microsoft website. Check Event viewer for errors. Control panel -> Administrative tools-> Event viewer.

 I am always receiving a Microsoft error report file that says, Microsoft has encountered a problem when playing the file."  and it gave me options to send report to microsoft or cancel. I have already uninstalled and reinstalled the player. It recorded some but will not entirely record the call bec. it gets cut off at the last part. Does  this have something to do with my computer requirements or my memory? pls. advise. i really need help since im working from home and I need this badly.
your help is greatly appreciated. thanks! amf