New version of MP3 Skype Recorder v.1.9.0 was released today.
Bugs fixed:
- Empty recordings - 0KB mp3 files on some systems.
- One channel recording in rear cases.
New features:
- 24 bits recording mode, extremely compact, but still enough for call recording.
- Sample rate was changed from 44.1KHz to 16KHz, that doesn't reduce the quality of recording, as it still covers the hole Skype bandwidth. This significantly shrinks the size of mp3 files.
Many thanks to:
- George, for giving me the idea of reducing of the sample rate.
- Shipherd JP, Paddon Murchryan, Dean Kirkeeide, Pei Huang for providing logs and helping with debugging 0kb issue.
- Eric Noble, Steve C Kleinsmith, patricio serrano for support.
Hello there! I have the
Hello there! I have the problem with 0b mp3 file and I would like to upgrade to v 1.9.0. But why are you still offering only to download? It says it's 1.9.0. but actually it's not, it is still the older version. Thank you for your help.
Hello. Try to reset the cache
Hello. Try to reset the cache of your browser. It looks like your broweser is returning you the cached version of a file.
In IE8:
Tools->Internet options -> General tab ->browsing history -> delete -> Temparary internet files
Great program. It's exactly
Great program. It's exactly what I was looking for.. Many thanks.
Fantastic program. I've been
Fantastic program. I've been using it since version 0.7. Just sent you a donation, thank you for creating such excellent software!
Hello. Thank you very much. I
Thank you very much. I really appreciate your feedback and support
MP3 Skype Recorder is
MP3 Skype Recorder is absolutely must have program. Thank you very much.
I couldn't believe it's free.
Excellent program. I live in
Excellent program. I live in a two party notification state, and I like to use skype to call land lines. In some cases, I would like to not verbally notify, but would rather have beeps every 15 seconds. Would it be possible to add a feature that can be enabled or disabled that would interject a tone every fifteen seconds? None of the skype recording plugins offer this feature now, and I think it would set you ahead of the competition.
The specifications for the beep are outlined here:
The program keeps crashing on
The program keeps crashing on me. I do a podcast on talkshoe through skype and use the program to attempt to record our show to replace the poor quality audio file that talkshoe creates. I can never get the program to record a full session. It pops up an error every time I try and says MP3 Skype Recorder encountered an error and must close. Then my recording is stopped. The longest I've gotten it to go was 24 minutes once. Most times it will crash within 5 minutes of a call. I'm using the latest version of your software and the latest version of Skype running on Windows XP.
Make sure you are using
Make sure you are using version 1.9.0.
What does the error popup say?
I'm having the same issue!
I'm having the same issue! I've tried several different calls and it force closes on me every time. I also tried uninstalling Skype and MP3 Skype Recorder but the problem continues to persist. Has your issue stopped?
Try to update Microsoft .NET
Try to update Microsoft .NET Framework
Hi I'm wondering if anyone
Hi I'm wondering if anyone has tried this on Windows 7. I'm on Windows 7 and the program starts but doesn't seem to record and moves very slow.
It works fine on mine
It works fine on mine
I've just tested it on
I've just tested it on Windows 7 32bit version and it works fine. But!!! Only after the second launch of the program, on the very first run it has some problems with the connection to Skype. I will fix this Windows 7 issue in the next version. Meanwhile you can use it, just exit it after the first start and launch again.
I have Windows 7 and have
I have Windows 7 and have tried several different installations of Skype Recorder and I always get the same connection error. I have tried loading and reloading the program to no avail. It's a pity. I look forward to trying the next version.
What version of Windows 7 are
What version of Windows 7 are you using? 32bit or 64bit? Could you send me a text of an error you are getting on your system please.
I am using windows 7 - 64
I am using windows 7 - 64 bit.
I have been trying for more than a week to install this recorder and to NO AVAIL.
John Parrker
Windows 7 64 bit is fully
Windows 7 64 bit is fully supported and recorder was tested on it. Please give some details. Any errors? What do you mean by NO AVAIL? I can't help you unless you are more specific. Your are posting to the 1.9. version topic, please update to the latest version if you trying this one.
Installed it yesterday under
Installed it yesterday under Windows 7 64, could set setting, connected once to skype. Today nothing to be seen in the skype extra's, dont even know if it should be there, but when i start the program, it doesnt seem to do anything, no error messages at all, but also no gui or something for changing the settings again. What am I doing wrong?
Found it, should be looking
Found it, should be looking better, maybe too early in the morning for me ;) sorry guys
i have a problem with this
i have a problem with this program, when i want to record in "mono" so the voice records on both sides it just records no sound but it also comes up as a 97kb sized file any help? ;(
Hello! After switching on
After switching on Display technical info during calls in Skype, I see that the sampling rate varies between 16 and 24 kHz during calling echo123. I think it would be great to have 24000 Hz sampling rate in MP3 Skype Recorder 1.10
You can set any sampling rate
You can set any sampling rate you like. Please see this topic
(why have you deleted my post
(why have you deleted my post with a link in it? this recording shows that 16 kHz is not enough to reproduce a skype conversation.)
Sorry, but your post looked
Sorry, but your post looked like advertising and hence spam.
Please read my above comment. You can set any recording sample rate you like. Generally 16kHz is absolutely enough for voip recording and saves lot of space. If you believe that you can improve your recordings by higher sample rate, please use link above to set desired rate.
I have reread your above
I have reread your above comment. I have tested it:
If I modify [Lame Config] sample rate it "speeds up" the recording as compression is After recording.
I have used Windows XP's Sound Recorder to capture a test call. Please here it compared to MP3 Skype Recorder:
How does it sound?
Thank you very much!
May I get a download link for the previous release which uses 44kHz?
I've listened to your
I've listened to your recording comparission file and can't hear much difference. Please note that you've done the recording in wav format (with no compression) and MP3 Skype recorder is making mp3 compression, but anyway the recordings are almost the same.
If you would like to try previous version please use this link to download it.
For the sake of clarity - the compression is done on the fly, not "compression is After recording".
Thank you for your answer. I
Thank you for your answer.
I do need that 'not-much' difference. I meant compression comes after recording logically: so if you receive a 16 kHz signal from skype, it won't have the quailty of 44100 Hz. I've been seeing this also in previous version. Please tell me: will MP3 Skype Recorder have an option to change the sampling rate between skype and MP3SkypeR? (not between MP3SkypeR and lame) Anyway, is it possible?
Please listen to the bell at the end:
Is donation possible?
There is no such option to
There is no such option to change the sampling rate of audio stream provided by Skype. 16 KHz kind of fixed by Skype API.
You are right. I've just read
You are right. I've just read it in Spype Public API doc.
Maybe skype uses a lower sampling rate in its API than for mic and speakers. What do you think? As my recording shows it is slightly different.
Hard to say without seeing
Hard to say without seeing internals of Skype and Skype is not open-source. Please keep in mind that you cann't compare recordings of different calls, as p2p structure of Skype connection implies that every call mostly likely done using hundred of different routes.
Hi there! It seems the
Hi there!
It seems the program doesn't save any mp3 file in the preset folder. I've tried several Skype calls but the folder is still empty.
Should I adjust some parameters (i.e. the access to the port)? And, if yes, how?
Thanks in advance!
Please check these: see this
Please check these: