Tracing bug - "always mono 64bit" audio recording

Posted on: Wed, 05/06/2009 - 17:38 By: VOIP

We need your help to trace the bug when regardless of audio setting the recording is mono 64bits.
If you have this problem. Please set Joint Stereo and 128 bit settings in Skype Call Recorder window and then go to installation folder (usually 'C:\Program Files\SkypeCallRecorder') and copy the text from MP3Recorder.ini file to the comments below.
Many thanks.

[Lame Config]
dwSampleRate = 16000
dwReSampleRate = 44100
nMode =3
#dwMaxBitrate =
#nPreset =
dwMpegVersion = 1
dwPsyModel = 0
dwEmphasis = 0
#bPrivate =
#bCRC =
#bCopyright =
bOriginal = 1
bWriteVBRHeader = 1
bEnableVBR = 0
nVBRQuality = 7
#dwVbrAbr_bps =
#nVbrMethod =
bNoRes = 1
#bStrictIso =
nQuality = 7

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

This is the topic for users having the bug - fail to change audio settings. If your records are always mono 64 bit despite settings in Skype Call Recorder, please set Joint Stereo 128 bit and AFTER that copy the text from C:\Program Files\SkypeCallRecorder\MP3Recorder.ini
Many thanks

[Lame Config]
dwSampleRate = 16000
dwReSampleRate = 44100
nMode =3
#dwMaxBitrate =
#nPreset =
dwMpegVersion = 1
dwPsyModel = 0
dwEmphasis = 0
#bPrivate =
#bCRC =
#bCopyright =
bOriginal = 1
bWriteVBRHeader = 1
bEnableVBR = 0
nVBRQuality = 7
#dwVbrAbr_bps =
#nVbrMethod =
bNoRes = 1
#bStrictIso =
nQuality = 7

I think this is an NTFS permission problem.  You need to give write permission to the C:\Program Files\SkypeCallRecorder for your username
Hope that helps

[Lame Config]
dwSampleRate = 16000
dwReSampleRate = 44100
nMode =3
#dwMaxBitrate =
#nPreset =
dwMpegVersion = 1
dwPsyModel = 0
dwEmphasis = 0
#bPrivate =
#bCRC =
#bCopyright =
bOriginal = 1
bWriteVBRHeader = 1
bEnableVBR = 0
nVBRQuality = 7
#dwVbrAbr_bps =
#nVbrMethod =
bNoRes = 1
#bStrictIso =
nQuality = 7
After the settings were changed in the UI to Joint Stereo 128 bit