MP3 Skype recorder 4.45

Posted on: Tue, 10/02/2018 - 09:24 By: VOIP

MP3 Skype recorder version 4.45 is available.
Download link:

Fixes in new recorder version:
- System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventArgs  error message. If you have previous version 4.44 you might get this error if you start recorder while on Skype call. 
- Fail to restart recording if it was manually stopped with Off button. Fixed in 4.45. It woks as expected now - recording commence when you hit ON button.
- Windows 7, an automatic test for Net Framework required by recorder was added to installation procedure. Please note that MP3 Skype recorder requires Microsoft Net Framework 4.5.2 or higher. If you are on Windows 7 you might need to install it from Microsoft website if you didn't installed it before.